Industrial Design (ID)
ID Courses

Industrial Design (ID) Courses

Courses Description

1st Year

Mandatory (DI)

Applied Informatics 1

Course organizer:

Conf. dr. ing. Doina Cașcaval

Knowledge of basic digital technologies for computer use in solving various specific engineering problems.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Applied Informatics 2

Course organizer:

Conf. dr. ing. Doina Cașcaval

Knowledge and deepening of advanced digital technologies for solving technical problems of increased complexity, which involve numerical calculation, data processing of various types or database management.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Chemistry I

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Vasilica Popescu/ Lecturer dr.eng Vasilica Maier

Chemistry course for textiles and leather acquaints students in the Industrial Engineering domain with the basics of fundamental aspects of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Chemistry II

Course organizer: dr.eng. Stelian-Sergiu Maier

To complement the Chemistry I course, Chemistry II presents the principles and applications in the field of materials chemistry and the chemistry of macromolecular compounds, including their engineering design, processing and characterization.

L (lecture) - 3 H

L (lecture) - 3 H

LB (laboratory works) - 3 H

Computer Aided Graphics, 1

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr.eng. Cristina Racu

Ability to generate, communicate, and graphically present technical concepts using computer-generated environments by building up the skills to read and execute a technical drawing, and by developing the necessary capabilities for designing and making the drawings required for a technical representation in industrial engineering.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Elements Of Textile Design

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr.eng. Cristian Piroi

To provide in-depth knowledge of the design process of textile products from a structural and aesthetic point of view.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

General Engineering In Textiles & Leather I

Course organizer: Elena Codau

Conveying key points related to the textile industry, including the primary features of various sectors within it, the primary varieties of raw materials, and the end products manufactured.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

General Engineering In Textiles & Leather II

Course organizer: dr.eng. Irina Ionescu/Prof.dr.eng.habil.Mirela Blaga

By content and by approaching style this course offers the possibility of acquiring the specific problems of the knitting, clothing and leather fabrics industry sectors. The knowledge acquired will be the foundation for the next subjects with technique and technological character

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Linear Algebra, Analytic And Differential Geometry

Course organizer:

Prof. dr. Habil. Dorel Fetcu

The main objective of this subject is to continue to make students acquire the mathematical knowledge necessary for understanding and successfully covering other basic and specialized subjects. This subject is fairly basic and provides assimilation of the fundamental concepts of algebra and geometry, and their calculation methods, for solving applications and the demonstration of sentences and theorems. Linear algebra shows the problems of finite dimensional vector spaces, further illustrated with analytic geometry and differential applications, useful for deepening problems of rigorous knowledge transmitted by technical disciplines.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Materials For Leather And Textiles Field

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Vasilica Popescu

The correct application of basic methods and principles in solving problems that may arise in the processing of raw materials, the impact of their quality on the quality of finished textile products according to the structure-obtaining-properties correlation; The acquired knowledge will form the basis of the technological disciplines of the specialization in the textile field.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H


Course organizer:

Assoc. Prof. Băcăiță Elena Simona

To acquire the basic theoretical concepts of physical (mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, electricity) and to gain practical skills in laboratory work

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Probability Theory And Mathematical Statistics

Course organizer: Liliana Hristian

Presentation of statistical methods and techniques for the collection, processing and analysis of numerical data required from partial measurements with global applied results in forecasting, surveying or control activities in various fields of activity.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Project Management

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Manea Liliana Rozemarie

Knowledge and understanding of the structure of project management; knowledge of the functions, characteristics and components of project management; knowledge and understanding of the components of the project management system; acquisition of the necessary skills of a project manager; knowledge of the activities of the manager within the project and understanding of the role of the manager within a consortium/project team;

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

1st Year

Elective (DO)

Basics Of Industrial Design 1

Course organizer:

Senior Lecturer dr.eng. Irina Arnautu

An introduction to industrial textile design and the key stages of the design process; an overview of the career of a textile designer and how textile designers use traditional art techniques and computer technology to design printed, knitted and woven fabrics; understanding the elements and principles of textile design in relation to repeating patterns for textile surfaces with reference to structural design; learning how to use a source of inspiration to develop an original textile design.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Foreign Language I-1

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr. Evagrina Dirtu

Acquiring information and communication competences according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages, developing written and oral communication skills in English, developing competences related to the comprehension of oral and written messages in English, especially in professional-technical contexts.

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Foreign Language I-2

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr. Evagrina Dirtu

Acquiring information and communication competences according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages, developing written and oral communication skills in English, developing competences related to the comprehension of oral and written messages in English, especially in professional-technical contexts.

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Mechanical Engineering

Course organizer:


Mechanical Engineering course presents the fundamental principles based on optimization criteria, accompanied by appropriate applications, the design, operation and maintenance of machine parts and mechanical and mechatronic assemblies, taking into account the tribological and technological aspects.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

2nd Year

Mandatory (DI)

Basis Of Computer Aided Technological Design

Course organizer: Savin-Dorin Ionesi

Acquisition of knowledge to apply the specific principles of parametric design programmes (AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor) in the design and modelling of computer aided design and modelling of products and processes specifically in knitwear and apparel.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Communication And Business Negotiations

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr. Raluca-Petronela Lazarescu

Deepening of specialized concepts, methods, techniques and tools of organizational communication, for the interdisciplinary training of engineers able to efficiently manage the communication and negotiation process in order to increase the profitability of production systems in the field of the field through: Development of personal communication and negotiation skills; Awareness of the positive and negative effects of your own style of communication and negotiation. Development of communication and negotiation skills in message rendering, analysis and interpretation of messages. Acquiring the necessary knowledge to develop communication and negotiation strategies in business.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Computer Aided Graphics, 2

Course organizer: Savin-Dorin Ionesi

To introduce the students to graphics specific to technical data in textiles; To explain how to use different graphic programs to edit drawings and images; To develop competencies in creating computer-aided graphics; To define the usefulness of graphical elements within technical information.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 3 H

Footwear And Leather Goods Structure And Design

Course organizer: Alina Iovan-Dragomir

Acquiring general knowledge about footwear and leather technology

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Mathematical Analysis

Course organizer:

Conf. Dr. Romaniuc Simona-Luiza

Mathematical analysis presents sections of differential and integral calculus for real functions of several real variables, useful for deepening the rigorous knowledge transmitted by technical subjects. Another objective is to solve some exercises illustrating the theoretical knowledge taught.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Metrology In Textile And Leather

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Rodica Harpa

Acquire knowledge to develop skills in textile metrology; develop skills to perform laboratory determinations

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Practical Training

Course organizer:

The subject aims to ensure that students know and master the most important technological processes in spinning, weaving, knitting, textile and leather clothing.

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Structure And Patterning Of Textile Garments

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil. Manuela Avadanei

The content and structure of the subject provide the necessary information for the construction of basic patterns for specific product groups (depending on the structure of the layers and their properties and intended use) and the design principles of simple product designs with flexible shapes (design of secondary product elements) in order to obtain elements of technical documentation specific to professional projects in the field of textile technology.


L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Textile Structures – Woven Fabrics

Course organizer:

Prof. dr. eng. Irina Niculina Cristian

Knowledge and learning issues related to structural features basic; Elements of programming for manufacturing fabrics; Knowledge and learning problems related to weave classes for simple woven fabrics, properties and fields of application of simple fabrics.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Textile Structures – Yarns

Course organizer: Liliana Buhu

Theoretical structure models. Structures single yarn, twisted, unconventional, effect yarns and thread. Characteristics of single yarn, twisted classic and unconventional.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Textile Structures – Knitted Fabrics

Course organizer:

Assoc. Prof. Luminita Ciobanu

Identification, representation and characterisation of warp and weft knitted fabrics from the structural point of view; the influence of the structure on the behaviour of the fabrics in relation to the end-use.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Textile Structures-nonwovens Fabrics

Course organizer: Iuliana-Gabriela Lupu

Knowledge of notions regarding to different structures of web and nonwoven fabrics, the influence of parameters on nonwoven structure and properties.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

2nd Year

Elective (DO)

Comfort And Functions Of Garments And Leather Goods

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Daniela Farima

Identification and definition of garments functions; Knowledge of methods and indicators for appreciating the comfort functions and requirements of garments and leather goods; Thermo and sensory comfort appreciation; Clothes structural design in correlation with destination

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Foreign Language II-1

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr. Evagrina Dirtu

Acquiring information and communication competences according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages, developing written and oral communication skills in English, developing competences related to the comprehension of oral and written messages in English, especially in professional-technical contexts.

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Foreign Language II-2

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr. Evagrina Dirtu

Acquiring information and communication competences according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages, developing written and oral communication skills in English, developing competences related to the comprehension of oral and written messages in English, especially in professional-technical contexts.

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H


Course organizer: Elena Lidia Alexa

Understanding and correctly applying fundamental concepts specific to management and marketing in different contexts, with the aim of making well-informed marketing decisions.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Raw Materials For Leather Textiles 2

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr.eng. Melinda Pruneanu

Correct application of basic methods and principles in solving problems of a functional-aesthetic nature that may arise in the reception of finished leather raw material for the leather products manufacturing industry.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Textile Fibres

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr.eng. Irina Arnautu

Understanding the structural characteristics of textile fibers and their influence on fiber behavior in industrial processing and end uses.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

3rd Year

Mandatory (DI)

Basics Of Industrial Design 2

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr.arch. Alin-Enver Hoblea

Development of specific professional projects based on the selection, combination and application of established principles and methods from the technical sciences of textiles and leather for the identification, analysis and design of textile products.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Creativity And Innovation

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr. eng. Cristina Piroi

Learning the specific terms; classification; understanding the motivation, attitude and behaviour of creative people; influential factors for the creative process; methods and techniques for develop the artistic, technical and managerial creativity; do-it-yourself (DIY) concept; creative personality; individual creativity vs. group creativity; technological innovation; invention; technical documentation; copyrights law; industrial espionage.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Industrial Design – Clothing

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Manuela-Lacramioara Avadanei

The content and structure of the discipline provide the necessary information for the knowledge and application of design knowledge in order to creatively harmonise aesthetic, functional, constructive, technological and ergonomic aspects in the development, introduction and promotion of new textile products/models that are competitive on the market.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Industrial Design – Clothing (project)

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Manuela-Lacramioara Avadanei

The content and structure of the discipline provide the necessary information for the knowledge and application of design knowledge in order to creatively harmonise aesthetic, functional, constructive, technological and ergonomic aspects in the development, introduction and promotion of new textile products/models that are competitive on the market.

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Industrial Design – Yarns

Course organizer: Liliana Buhu

Analysis of the of fiber and yarns structure on the characteristics of yarns product resulting design properties as: appearance, comfort and durability

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Industrial Design – Knitted Fabrics

Course organizer: Luminita Ciobanu

To teach the students how to design weft and warp knitted fabrics (structure and structural parameters); To present the structural design of knitted fabrics used in different applications - medical, geotextiles, civil engineering, and protection.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Industrial Design – Knitted Fabrics (project)

Course organizer:

To apply the design principles of knitted fabrics in relation to the specifics required by the application and make the connection with fabric properties.

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Industrial Design – Woven Fabrics

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Irina-Niculina Cristian

Provide advanced knowledge on the functional design of simple woven fabrics.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Industrial Technologies – Yarns

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr. eng. Mariana Ichim

The course provides technical and technological knowledge concerning the process of converting fibers into yarns, machinery settings, and their influence on yarn quality.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Industrial Technologies – Footwear And Leather Goods

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr.eng. Alexandra Bodoga

Improving the student's knowledge about the most important groups of raw materials used in shoe and leather goods production; Getting the basic knowledge about shoemaking and leather goods technologies: cutting – preparing – sewing – closing – making and finishing; Getting information about theoretical and practical aspects of relations between machine devices and semi-finished product; correspondence between technological parameters and physical-mechanics proprieties of used materials.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Industrial Technologies – Knitted Fabrics

Course organizer: Savin-Dorin Ionesi

Knowledge of the knitting fabrication processes in correlation with the raw material, end use and form of the knitted fabrics; knowledge of the loop forming processes and knitting elements; knowledge of the knitting technologies and the type of the knitting machines; understanding the working principles of the knitting machines; calculation of the knitting machine production

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Industrial Technologies – Textile Apparel

Course organizer: Ionut Dulgheriu

Knowledge of the technological flow in the confection field (clothing operations); knowledge of the basic stitch types and seams; knowledge of the basic technology of the ready-made cloth (e.g. shirt technology)

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Industrial Technologies – Woven Fabrics

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr. eng. Adrian Buhu

Study of technological principles of machine in yarns preparation and the weaving mills. Understanding by students of technical and technological of phenomena.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Product Life-cycle Management

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr. Adriana Bujor

Understanding concepts related to product management; Understanding strategies corresponding to the stages of the product lifecycle; Acquiring abilities to make managerial decisions regarding the product and product portfolio based on a comprehensive strategic analysis; Fostering entrepreneurial attitudes of a performing industrial designer (innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability, incorporating I&CT, globalization, ethical behaviour etc.)

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Shoe Design

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.Aura Mihai

To develop skills and competencies for footwear pattern making based on design specifications and manufacturing requirements; To design and obtain patterns for various footwear models to outfit the required design specifications.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Specialty Practice

Course organizer:

Selecting, combining and applying knowledge, principles and methods from the basic engineering sciences associated with graphic representations - technical drawing - to solve specific engineering tasks (textiles, knitwear, clothing and leather clothing).

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

3rd Year

Elective (DO)

Chemical Technology Of Leather (finishing Of Leather Products And Substitutes)

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr.eng. Melinda Pruneanu

To provide students with basic knowledge of: wet and dry finishing process flows; mechanisms of the finishing operations, practical execution of each operation; operational and analytical control of each processing stage.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Chemical Technology Of Textiles (finishing Of Textile Products)

Course organizer:



L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

4th Year

Mandatory (DI)

Cad – Woven Fabrics

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Irina-Niculina Cristian/ Lecturer dr.eng. Irina Arnautu

Acquiring skills to use specialized software for woven fabric design and 3D-modelling.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Cad In Clothing

Course organizer:

Asist.dr.eng. Emil-Constantin Loghin

Providing basic training in professional software dedicated to producing technical documentation for garment manufacturing; Basic level user of AccuMark - PDS software for pattern engineering and pattern grading; Basic level user of AccuMark - MarkerMaking software for markers and fabric consumption.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Cad In Knitting

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Mirela Blaga

The main objective of the course is to initiate the students in using CAD systems for computer-controlled flat knitting machines; consequently, at the end of the course, they will have Knowledge about the Stoll M1 plus pattern station structure and functions, the Ability to create a knitting program for electronic flat knitting machines; Ability to design and knit panels with various patterns

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Industrial Design – Footwear

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.Aura Mihai

Develop a footwear collection based on design specifications; develop footwear design skills and competences based on design and manufacturing specifications and requirements

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Management 1

Course organizer:


Introduction to the basics of types of managers, activities and roles of managers in different organisational contexts. Knowledge and deepening of the types of managerial activities in relation to the functions of management

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Management 2

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil. Ion Verzea

Training students in management and developing skills in forecasting, planning, decision-making, coordination and control of specific activities of commodity producing enterprises.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Quality Engineering (quality Assurance In Leather Textiles)

Course organizer:



L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Quality Management

Course organizer:


Knowledge and understanding of the preparation of quality documents: the System and Process Procedures Manual, industry-specific work instructions Textile and Leather Industry.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

4th Year

Elective (DO)

Cad For Footwear

Course organizer: Mariana Costea

Learning the principles of computer-aided design of footwear to ensure ergonomic, functional, hygienic, aesthetic and economic properties of the designed products.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Cad In Textile Chemistry (cad In Chemical Textile Technology)

Course organizer:



L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Collection Development

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr.artist Ramona Budeanu

The course gives to students specialized information to understanding the definition of collections developing in the context of design and fashion industry.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Design And Technologies For Functional Knitted Fabrics

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Mirela Blaga

The course's main objective is to analyze the technical potential of the weft and warp knitting technologies to produce knitted fabrics with technical end uses. At the end of the course, students will get knowledge about the technical applications of the knitted fabrics (medicine, agriculture, buildings, home, geotextiles, protection, sport, etc); the ability to identify the warp and weft knitting machines, special mechanisms and devices for technical products.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Design Of Interior Textiles

Course organizer:

Prof.dr.eng.habil.Irina-Niculina Cristian

Enable students to acquire basic knowledge regarding the interior textile products and their quality requirements and to present and discuss the design particularities of some of the most significant categories of interior textile products – carpets and upholstery fabrics.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Developments In Clothing Technologies

Course organizer: Irina Ionescu

Knowledge of the clothing technology for pockets, collars, cuffs, and finishing elements; Knowledge of the general technology for assembling the main ready-made cloth (trousers, blouses, jackets etc.)

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Graphic Communication Techniques And Promotion

Course organizer:

Lecturer dr.eng. Carmen Tita

Development of a visual identity manual in order to develop a brand.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Industrial Design – Leather Goods

Course organizer: Alina Iovan-Dragomir

Acquiring basic knowledge on technological and constructive design of leather goods

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 2 H

Industrial Design – Narrow Fabrics

Course organizer: Elena Codau

The course provides students with specific information on the design and structural characteristics of narrow woven and braided products with various applications, emphasizing industrial evolution, and sustainable industrial production.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Structure of the Academic Year 2023– 2024

Bachelor and Master Studies, Full Time Studies





7 days

Accommodation of students


The Official Opening of the Academic Year



12 Weeks

Didactic Activity


2 Weeks

Christmas Holiday

08.01.2024- 21.01.2024

2 Weeks

Didactic Activity


3 Weeks

Examination Period


1 Week

Winter Holiday



11 Weeks

Didactic Activity


1 Week

Easter Holiday


Free Day For Students (to be recovered on Saturday 25.05.2024)


3 Weeks

Didactic Activity


3 Weeks

Examination Period


2 Weeks

Reexamination Period

17 and 18.09.2024

2 Days

Re examinations

2nd SEMESTER for the final year of study (bachelor + master)


14 + 1 Weeks

Re Didactic Activity and Easter Holiday According To The Previous Calendar


2 Weeks

Examination period


4 days

Reexamination period


11 days

Period for preparing the final thesis

Legal and Religious Holidays:
30.11.2023, 01.12.2023, 25.12.2023 , 26.12.2023, 01.01.2024. 02.01.2024, 24.01.2024 01.05.2024, 03.05.2024, 06.05.2024, 01.06.2024, 24.06.2024, 15.08 2024.

Practical Activities (3 -6 Weeks)
will be scheduled either during the entire academic Year