Environmental Management and Sustainable Energy (EMSE)
EMSE Courses

Environmental Management and Sustainable Energy (EMSE) Courses

The programme features a modern curriculum encompassing disciplines that provide insights into environmental technology and management, as well as sustainable energy.

1st Year

Mandatory (DI)

Advanced water and air treatment technologies

Course organizer:

Catrinescu Cezar-Florin

*This course provides general information on (i) Recovery/removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC) using membrane processes, biological methods (biofiltration, bioscrubbing and biotrickling), adsorption on advanced materials, catalytic oxidation, photo/UV oxidation; (ii) abatement of NOx by selective catalytic reduction (SCR), catalytic filtration for dioxines/particulates etc. (ii) For wastewater treatment the focus is on the following technologies: membrane (nanofiltration and reverse osmosis), adsorption on advanced materials and advanced oxidation processes, for the removal of key pollutants, such as persistent organic pollutants, priority pollutants, emerging pollutants.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Environmental assessments

Course organizer:

Sluser Brindusa-Mihaela

*This course offers the mandatory knowledge in Environmental pollution. Sustainable development concept. Background in environmental management. Regulations. Procedures and indicators used in EIA. Types of impacts analyzed by EIA. Personnel and organizations involved in EIA. Methodology. The structure of EIA process. Procedural steps of EIA in case of new activities. Strategic impact assessment. Methods and techniques used in impact quantification. Matrix of Rapid Impact Assessment (RIAM). Check lists. Leopold Matrix. Method of global pollution index quantification. Integrated method for environmental impact and risk assessment (SAB). Environmental risk assessment in accordance with Ord. 184/1997. Principles in Life cycle assessment. Environmental Evaluation of sites and organizations. Environmental performance evaluation.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Environmental monitoring

Course organizer:

Cretescu Igor

* This course discusses the fundamental concepts of environmental monitoring, the main components of an automated monitoring system, functionality of various sensors and actuators, electrochemical sensors and presents case studies on environmental components monitoring.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Ethics and integrity

Course organizer:

Cozma Petronela

*The course main concepts include:Concepts and fundamentals in the field of ethics and integrity; Principles of integrity and ethics; Ethics and academic integrity; Ethics and integrity in scientific research; Academic Writing Guide for Dissertation.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Integrated environmental management

Course organizer:

Teodosiu Carmen

*The course includes information on: concepts such as production cycle, linear and circular economy, recycling and reuse, sustainability, integrated environmental management, industrial ecology, detailed aspects on the ISO 14001 and ISO 14004 standards with focus on their implementation in industrial activities, the advantages of integrated management systems: quality-environment-safety and security, information on environmental performance and reporting. Online or direct teaching and project applications are used.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Scientific research 1

Course organizer:

* The concepts discussed are: reaserch methodology (Meaning of Research Definitions of Research, Objectives of Research, Motivation in Research, General Characteristics of Research, Criteria of Good Research,Types of Research) and the resarch problem formulation (Scientific Thinking What is a Research Problem, Selecting the Problem, Sources of the Problem, Defining a Problem, Statement of a Problem, Delimiting a Problem, Evaluation of a Problem).

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Scientific research 2

Course organizer:

All course organizers

* The main concepts presented are: 1. The Literature Review (Meaning of Review of Literature, Need of Review of Literature, Objectives of Review of Literature, Sources of Literature, The Functions of Literature, How to Conduct the Review of Literature, Some Hints for the Review of Literature, Precautions in Library Use, Reporting the Review of Literature); 2. The research Hypothesis (Meaning of Hypothesis, Definitions of Hypothesis, Nature of Hypothesis, Functions of Hypothesis, Importance of Hypothesis , Kinds of Hypothesis, Characteristics of a Good Hypothesis, Variables in a Hypothesis, Formulating a Hypothesis, Testing the Hypothesis).

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Solid waste management

Course organizer:

Gavrilescu Daniela

*The course will contain information on integrated solid waste management concept, waste characterizations in terms of quantities and qualities, special categories of waste, and the hierarchy of solid waste management options. Specific highlight on different waste categories (food waste, WEEE, compost), treatment options (Waste to energy, Waste recycling) and waste policies and strategies, on recent case studies will be provided during the project hours.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Sustainability indicators and circular economy

Course organizer:

Teodosiu Carmen

*The course contains information regarding the objectives: sustainable development (Millennium Development Goals), circular economy vs. linear economy, life cycle, recycling and reuse, tools for sustainability assessment (carbon footprint assessment, water footprint and environmental footprint assessment, performance evaluation energy and carbon emissions). Online or direct teaching and project applications are used.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Sustainable energy production

Course organizer:

Zaharia Carmen

*1. Introduction.Energy sources, energy resources and energy carriers. Considerations on sustainability criteria applied in energy problematics (3A principles: accessibility, availability, acceptability); 2. Energy: thermo-dynamical and thermo-chemical aspect (heat, mechanical work, enthalpy, entropy and electricity – elements of thermo-energetic power and electricity). Fossil Fuels (coals, oil/petroleum products, bitumens, natural gases, etc.). Carbon Capture and Storage of Carbon Dioxide; 3. Structure of an energy system. 3.1. Fossil fuels-based energy production: basic installations, fluxes and efficiency. 3.2. Impact of conventional energy production towards the environment;4. Integrated Clean Coal Technology (ICCT). (a) Clean coal preparation and other ecological fuels for combustion (or burning process); (b) Integrated Clean Coal Technology ; 5. Hydropower. Hydroelectric power plant (small & large plants): considerations on hydro developments, hydro energy and power, energetic efficiency and development perspectives in hydroelectric energy production; 6. Photoelectric and Thermal Conversion of Solar Radiation. (a) Solar energy production; (b) Solar Radiation; (c) Concepts of solar energy conversion; (d) Characteristics of the thermal and photovoltaic power systems; 7. Wind Power. (a) Wind energy. Wind power systems; (b) Characteristics of an wind power system; 8. Nuclear energy. (a) Sources of nuclear energy; (b) Nuclear fuels; (c) Production of nuclear fuel; Production of heavy water (deuterium); (d) Nuclear energy production.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Sustainable industrial production

Course organizer:

Gavrilescu Maria

*This course dicusses: Concepts and fundamentals; Resources use; Energy consumption; Environmental pollution; Waste generation; Interdependencies between environmental, technical, economic and social aspects; Integrated technological and managerial tools with preventive character for industrial sustainable development; Design of industrial processes in terms of competitiveness and environmental impact.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

1st Year

Category (DL)

Elements of inventions

Course organizer:



L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H


Course organizer:



L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

1st Year

Elective (DO)

Data aquisition and teletransmission

Course organizer:



L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Ecological restoration and soil remediation

Course organizer:

Smaranda Camelia

The course includes: Fundamentals on soil; Soil and land degradation; Soil pollutants/ Sources of pollution; Mechanisms involved in the behaviour and transport of pollutants in the soil matrix; Soil remediation methods; Ecological restoration of sites; Case studies.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

Electromagnetic pollution

Course organizer:

Cretescu Igor

* This course presents: Electromagnetic environment – origin and levels. Instrumentation used for the electromagnetic pollution characterization. Methods for electromagnetic pollution reduction and/or systems protection.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 1 H

2nd Year

Mandatory (DI)

Elaboration of the disertation project

Course organizer:

All course organizers

* The main stages are: Preparation of a work schedule; Meet with the advisor and mentor (where applicable); Preparation of a draft table of content; Intermediary meetings with advisor and mentor (where applicable); Submittal of manuscript sections to advisors for review; Preparation of final revision of the thesis draft; Submit thesis to advisor and mentor; Trial defense with advisor and mentor (where applicable); Final revision of manuscript and presentation; Public defense.

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Industrial and ecological risk management

Course organizer:

Smaranda Camelia

* The main topics included in this course are: Fundamentals on hazard and risk; Risk analysis; Risk assessment; Industrial risk management; Risk control of industrial and ecological major accidents; Risk assessment in industrial systems.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Life cycle assessment

Course organizer:

Barjoveanu George

*The course presents the basic concepts related to: LCA principles, LCA steps, life cycle inventories, System limits, Data management, life cycle impact asessement, Normalization, weighting of LCIA results, Interpretation.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Scientific research 3

Course organizer:

All course organizers

*The concepts discussed are: 1. The Research Approach: The Philosophical Background, The Qualitative Approach, The Quantitative Approach, The Mixed-Methods Approach, Criteria for Selecting a Research Approach; 2. The Research Strategies: What are the Research Strategies? Which Strategy to Choose, Case Studies, Experiments , Ethnography, Phenomenology , Ground Theory (GT), Action Research , Mixed-methods, Longitudinal.

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Scientific research 4

Course organizer:

All course organizers

*The concepts discussed are:Data Collection Methods (Questionnaires, Interviews, Focus Groups, Observation), Sampling (Meaning and Definition of Sampling, Functions of Population and Sampling, Methods of Sampling, Characteristics of a Good Sample, Size of a Sample,The Sample Cycle).

L (lecture) - 0 H

L (lecture) - 0 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Sustainable consumption and integrated product policies

Course organizer:

Barjoveanu George

* The course includes: Fundamentals of sustainable consumption; Consumption patterns; Strategies and instruments for sustainable consumption and Case studies Integrated product policies.

L (lecture) - 2 H

L (lecture) - 2 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

2nd Year

Elective (DO)


Course organizer:

Buburuzan Marilena-Adela

The course discussess: General information. Definitions of eco-labels. The purpose of eco-labelling for businesses, consumers and governments. Objectives to create a green certification of products/services. Types of environmental performance labelling according to ISO (type I – eco-label ISO 14024, type II – self-declaration ISO 14021, type III – environmental declaration ISO 14025). The characteristics of an ecological certification of the products. The process of certification of a label. Major participants and their roles. Eco-labelling type I, II and III. Eco-labels focused on a sector and awarded by public institutions: Energy Star, Organic farming, Energy labels. Eco-labels awarded by private entities: FSC Pure Label, FSC Recycled Label, FSC Mixed Label. Labels with unique attribute criteria in the EU - energy: (i) EU energy labels for products; (ii) EU energy efficiency labels for buildings. Eco-labels awarded on multiple criteria in the EU. EU eco-label for products.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Research planning and project management

Course organizer:

Volf Irina

The course presents the basic concepts related to: Research planing
Finding, formulating and exploring the topic. Making sense of the literature. Write a literature review and a research proposal. Designing and planning research. Looking at the fit between aims and research desing. Dealing with data. Publishing papers.
Project management: Glossary of terms. Definitions. Initiating a project. Project planning. Executing (project implementation). Monitoring and controlling process. Closing process. Responsibilities of the Project Manager. Management of human and material resources: The project Manager, the project team, material resources. A practical guide for writing project proposals:Possible sources of funding. Components of grant proposals. Eligibility. Developing a proposal. Evaluation and selection. Common mistakes in developing project proposals.

L (lecture) - 1 H

L (lecture) - 1 H

LB (laboratory works) - 0 H

Structure of the Academic Year 2023– 2024

Bachelor and Master Studies, Full Time Studies





7 days

Accommodation of students


The Official Opening of the Academic Year



12 Weeks

Didactic Activity


2 Weeks

Christmas Holiday

08.01.2024- 21.01.2024

2 Weeks

Didactic Activity


3 Weeks

Examination Period


1 Week

Winter Holiday



11 Weeks

Didactic Activity


1 Week

Easter Holiday


Free Day For Students (to be recovered on Saturday 25.05.2024)


3 Weeks

Didactic Activity


3 Weeks

Examination Period


2 Weeks

Reexamination Period

17 and 18.09.2024

2 Days

Re examinations

2nd SEMESTER for the final year of study (bachelor + master)


14 + 1 Weeks

Re Didactic Activity and Easter Holiday According To The Previous Calendar


2 Weeks

Examination period


4 days

Reexamination period


11 days

Period for preparing the final thesis

Legal and Religious Holidays:
30.11.2023, 01.12.2023, 25.12.2023 , 26.12.2023, 01.01.2024. 02.01.2024, 24.01.2024 01.05.2024, 03.05.2024, 06.05.2024, 01.06.2024, 24.06.2024, 15.08 2024.

Practical Activities (3 -6 Weeks)
will be scheduled either during the entire academic Year