Non-EU Students


Admission requirements for Non-EU

Non-EU citizens who wish to study in Romania must submit their applications directly to the Romanian university of their choice. The Ministry of Education issues the Letter of acceptance which represents the final document, necessary and compulsory to study in Romania. Please also read the information from the site of the Romanian Ministry of Education regarding admission of foreign students:

Specific Admission Criteria:

The candidates have to pass the specific aptitude tests, after receiving the Letter of acceptance.


Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technology
Candidates need to have passed a test of Mathematics at the high school graduation exam or must have studied one of these subjects in high school. 


Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (Master Programs)
Candidates will pass an online interview.


Faculty of Civil Engineering
In order to apply for the master of Structural Engineering, candidates must present a diploma in civil engineering or architecture, or a diploma equivalent to civil engineering in the fields of architecture, mechanics, environment, and computer engineering.

How to apply


Gather the required documents

Collect all the necessary documents needed for your application.


Complete the application form 

Fill out the application form here. Ensure that you provide accurate and complete information.


Application Review

The submitted application files will be carefully reviewed and assessed by the respective faculty or department. If the faculty decides to accept a candidate, the application file will move to the next stage.


Application Result

Accepted application files will be forwarded to the Ministry of Education for further review and processing. The accepted candidates will have to submit, by e-mail, a declaration consenting to proceed with the registration at the university. The candidates who do not submit this declaration will not be taken into account.

Required documents

1. Application form
Please fill in your personal e-mail address where we can contact you and your home address where the Ministry of Education can contact you.


2. Diplomas (copy and legally certified translation):

  • for bachelor’s degree studies: the baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent;
  • for master’s degree studies: the baccalaureate diploma and the bachelor’s degree diploma or their equivalent; 

3. Academic records for the completed studies (copy and legally certified translation);


4. Birth certificate (copy and legally certified translation);


5. Passport

Valid at least 6 months after the date when the letter of acceptance to studies is issued;

6. Medical certificate (in English)
To prove that the person to be registered for studies does not suffer from infectious diseases or other illnesses that are incompatible with the future profession. On the medical certificate must be specified ”The candidate is not registered with mental illnesses and infectious and contagious diseases”. If the candidate is registered with mental illnesses, he/she will have to bring the psychologist/psychiatrist’s approval so that the candidate can perform the studies to be registered.

7. Language certificate for the teaching language
International English certificate or Romanian language certificate issued by an accredited institution from Romania.

8. Copy of the document proving the permanent residence abroad.


9. Copy of the document proving the payment of the file processing fee of the amount equivalent in Romanian currency (lei) of 80 Euros.


How to pay
On the bank document, the candidate will have to mention his/her name and the text ”taxa procesare dosar” (file processing fee).
The file processing fee will be transferred to the bank account:
Beneficiary: Universitatea Tehnica ”Gheorghe Asachi” din Iasi
CIF: 4701606
Address: 67 Prof. Dr. docent Dimitrie Mangeron Street
Cod IBAN: RO44TREZ 4062 0F33 0500 XXXX

The fee in Romanian currency (lei) will be calculated according to the National Bank of Romania official exchange rate on the day of the payment. 
The 80 Euros application fee is non-refundable.

Language Certificate

Programs taught in English
Candidates need International language certificates (TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge) with a minimum B2 level – for programs taught in English, or they must pass a test of English language skills, physically or online, at the university. Candidates who can prove that the official language of their country is English or that they studied at least 4 years in this language are exempt from this requirement.

Programs taught in Romanian
The candidates accepted by our university must graduate from the preparatory year. The candidates who speak Romanian can skip the preparatory year and must present a Romanian Language Certificate, issued by an accredited institution from Romania. The candidates who can formally prove that they have studied in the Romanian language  for at least four years consecutively, do not need to submit a Romanian Language Certificate nor to attend the preparatory year.

How to pay

Beneficiary: Universitatea Tehnica ”Gheorghe Asachi” din Iasi
CIF: 4701606
Address: 67 Prof. Dr. docent Dimitrie Mangeron Street
Cod IBAN: RO44TREZ 4062 0F33 0500 XXXX


The fee is paid in Lei by the students being citizens of a country from European Union, European Economic Area or citizens of the Swiss Confederation, and in Euros by the other students. The study fee should be paid by bank transfer or in cash.


The payment must be done for the entire year in case of the students enrolling for the first time at TUIASI and who are not from the European Union, European Economic Area, or Swiss Confederation. In all other cases, the fee can be paid in three equal installments.


Students who request the equivalence of subjects from previous undergraduate studies should pay the fee concurrently with the request. Students who ask for re-examination should pay the fee concurrently with the credits request, before the exam.

When to apply

The submission period for non-EU students spans from April 15, 2025, to July 31, 2025.

Romanian Student Visa

In order to obtain a long-term residence visa for studies, from the Romanian diplomatic missions and consular offices, non-EU students must first be accepted for enrolment at TUIASI and submit the following documents:


For undergraduate, Master or Ph.D. students:

  • proof of acceptance for studies, issued by the Ministry of National Education, attesting that they will attend full-time education;
  • proof of payment of the tuition fee for at least one year of study;
  • proof of the means of subsistence, amounting to at least the minimum national net wage per month, for the entire duration mentioned in the visa;
  • certificate of Criminal Record or other document having the same legal value;
  • medical insurance


The visa duty amounts to 120 Euros and will be paid in the State where the request is submitted. The long-stay visa (marked D) allows entry and stay on the territory of Romania for a period of 90 days at the most; however, this type of visa allows for its prolongation following an official request addressed to the Romanian Office for Immigration which is part of the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
After entering Romania, the requests for the extension of the right of stay must be personally submitted by the applicants, at the local branch offices of the Romanian Office for Immigration closest to their place of residence, at least 30 days before the expiry of the stay right granted by the visa. Overstaying the visa entails cancellation of the visa and the obligation of leaving the territory of Romania.


In order to extend their residence right for studies, undergraduate, Master, or Ph.D. students must submit the following documents:

  • application;
  • document for crossing the border (Passport, travel document, etc.) in original and in copy;
  • letter of acceptance for studies – to be requested only upon the first extension of the residence right;
  • certificate issued by the higher education institution;
  • proof of the means of subsistence amounting to at least the minimum national net wage per month, for the entire validity period of the residence permit;
  • proof of the legal ownership over the dwelling space (in original and in copy);
  • medical certificate;


The citizens who receive scholarships from the Romanian State are exempted from the payment of consular duties for the residence permit and do not need to make the proof of their means of subsistence.


The proof of the means of subsistence should not be made by citizens of Romanian ethnos (if one of their ascendants held or holds Romanian citizenship).


Foreign citizens who turned 26 years old need social health insurance for the extension of their temporary residence right, in accordance with Law no. 95/2006 concerning the health system reform.


International students who did not graduate during the initially granted period may benefit from the extension of their residence right over a maximum period of one year. The residence permit will be renewed at least 30 days before the expiry of the previous one.


The temporary residence right for studies will be extended successively by 1 year period. The residence permits for citizens receiving scholarships from the Romanian State will be granted over a period equal to the total duration of studies.


The residence right can be extended by at most 90 days after graduation, for the final settlement of the school or academic record and for the endorsement of the study documents.

Things to know

Working permits
Non-EU students who study in Romania and hold a residence permit for this purpose, can be employed only part-time (4 hours/day). For this, a work pass must be obtained.


Student card
After filling in the registration sheet and paying the registration and study fees, each new student enrolled at TUIASI will receive a student card, with a one-year-long valid visa. The student card with photo, signature, and valid visa is the official document that certifies the status of each student; it is requested for admission to academic activities and exams. It also allows the holder to benefit from different discounts at museums, libraries, festivals, different services, etc. In case of losing the student card, students should immediately contact the faculty secretary and follow the regulations.


Grading Scale and Credit System (ECTS)
For grading, in Romania a 10-point scale is used, 5 being the minimum grade for passing. In a few cases (like physical education, for example) the passed/failed result is used. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System “ECTS makes teaching and learning in higher education more transparent across Europe and facilitates the recognition of all studies. The system allows for the transfer of learning experiences between different institutions. It also aids curriculum design and quality assurance” (European Union).

TUIASI uses a Credits Accumulation and Transfer System that follows the general lines of the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS). Each subject from the curricula has an assigned number of credits. The student is entitled to those credits if the subject is passed (with a minimum mark of 5 or with a “pass” result). The total number of credits for the subjects in one year of study is 60. Rules for progression from one year to the next are set by university regulations. Thus, for the 4 years curriculum, a total of 240 credits is required for graduation, along with the defense of the graduate diploma project.

Need help?

Our university can be contacted at the following address:

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi

Prof. Dr. Doc. Dimitrie Mangeron Street, 67, 700050 – Iasi, Romania



The university will hold discussions regarding the application file only with the candidates.